Sunday, April 19, 2020

Vanilla Ice Cream Without Eggs

1 Can Condensed Milk
1 (12 oz) Evaporated Milk
1 Pint (2 C) Half and Half
1 Pint (2 C) Heavy Cream
1 Tbsp Vanilla
1 1/2 C Sugar
Milk to fill the rest of the canister  to the fill line (Mine only said to fill 2/3 full so I just eyeballed it)
Rock Salt

Freeze your ice cream canister before using it. It makes it freeze the ice cream better. Add all the ingredients and mix with a spoon. Then follow the directions of your ice cream freezer.
I just put ice in layers with layers of rock salt. Start and it says it only takes 30 minutes, but mine took about an hour.

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