Monday, April 22, 2013

Watermelon Pops

Now that it is starting to warm up, here is a recipe that my boys love. It is the perfect way to get their popsicle fix and it is healthy with no added sugar!

Watermelon Pops

Cut up watermelon into 1" cubes. Remove any seeds. Throw in a blender and puree until smooth. Pour watermelon puree into ice cube trays* and cover with plastic wrap. Stick a toothpick through the plastic wrap into the watermelon so you can hold the pops. The plastic wrap will help keep the sticks in place. Freeze for a few hours until solid. Enjoy!

*You can also use popsicle forms, but I didn't have those. I like the ice cube trays because they are small and my son eats several of them during the day so it is a good portion control.

Since it is fruit, the pops do melt a little bit slower than Otter Pops or other ice cream, which is really nice.

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